Sleeping Cat Drawing

Sleeping Cat Drawing

In this drawing lesson, you'll learn how drawing a sleeping cat can be both fun and easy. We'll focus on creating a cozy scene featuring a fluffy feline resting atop a soft pillow.

We'll kick things off by drawing the head with all its charming features: the eyes, nose, mouth, and whiskers. Then we’ll shape those triangular ears with a fluffy outline that really brings the character of the kitty out. We’ll also focus on the legs and paws, detailing how they fit snugly against its body. You’ll be amazed at what happens when we add those defining colors, orange for the ears, black for the nose, and white for the cat's body.

And don’t forget about that pillow! It’s not just a resting place but an essential part of our composition. You’re gonna learn how those soft folds create help our kitty snooze! Get ready, because by the end of this lesson, you’ll have more than just a drawing; you’ll have captured a moment of feline tranquility. So let’s put pencil to paper and create something beautiful!

Estimated Time: 60 minutes

Level: Intermediate


  • Pencil
  • Drawing Paper
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils
  • Black Marker (optional)

Lesson: Sleeping Cat Drawing

In this drawing lesson, we're tackling a cozy sleeping cat that’s sure gonna bring some warmth and charm onto your page. With a focus on basic shapes, you’ll learn how the head, ears, legs, and body come together effortlessly. We’ll even throw a fluffy yellow pillow underneath for that extra touch of comfort. Trust me, by the end of this step-by-step guide, you’ll have a beautiful cat drawing that showcases your skills. Let’s get started and make some art happen!

Form the Head

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-1

Begin by forming the shape of the cat’s furry head as shown.

Add the Eyes

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-2

Draw two lines curving upwards to outline the sleeping cat’s eyes.

Outline the Nose

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-3

Outline the cat’s nose by drawing a small triangle.

Draw the Mouth

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-4

Draw two curved lines to form the cat’s mouth.

Add the Whiskers

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-5

Add the cat’s whiskers by drawing straight lines on its cheeks

Attach the Ears

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-6

Draw the triangular shape of the cat’s ears, then add the fluffy outline of its inner ears.

Draw the Front Leg

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-7

Draw its front leg and paw below its head similar to the illustration. Make sure to erase extra lines.

Outline the Back

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-8

Draw a long curved line to outline the cat’s back.

Add the Tail

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-9

Add the cat’s thin, long tail.

Form the Hind Leg

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-10

Form the shape of its hind leg by drawing two curved lines.

Attach the Hind Paw

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-11

Attach the elongated shape of the cat’s hind paw.

Outline the Belly

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-12

Draw a wavy line connecting the front and hind legs to outline its belly.

Draw a Pillow

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-13

Draw a large, fluffy pillow for the cat to sleep on.

Add the Folds

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-14

Emphasize the folds and scrunches of the soft pillow by drawing curved lines.

Color the Ears and Nose

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-15

Color the ears with orange and the nose with black.

Fill in the Body

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-16

Fill in the cat’s body with white.

Add the Coat Pattern

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-17

Add the pattern of the cat’s coat using a brown color.

Shade the Pillow

Sleeping Cat Drawing - Step-18

Shade the pillow with yellow.