Blue Whale Drawing

Hey there, art lovers! Today, we're gonna learn how to create a stunning blue whale drawing. This lesson is perfect for beginners who want to capture the majesty of the ocean's gentle giant. Grab your pencil, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, and maybe a black marker if you have one.
We'll break down each step so it's easy to follow. No need to stress about perfection; just enjoy the process. By the end of this 50-minute session, you'll have a beautiful blue whale swimming across your paper.
Start with simple shapes and lines to outline the whale's body. We'll add details like fins and tail flukes as we go along. Trust me, it's easier than it looks!
Next, we'll bring our blue whale to life with some vibrant colors. Use your crayons or colored pencils to shade in those deep blues and grays. Don't forget those little touches that make your drawing unique!
So let's get started! Follow my lead and you'll be amazed at what you can create. Ready? Let's draw this magnificent creature together!
Estimated Time: 50 minutes
Level: Intermediate
- Pencil
- Drawing Paper
- Crayons or Colored Pencils
- Black Marker (optional)
Lesson: Blue Whale Drawing
Alright y'all, today we're gonna learn how to draw a blue whale in fifteen steps. This big ol' sea creature is gonna look amazing when we're done. Start with simple shapes and keep your lines smooth. Pay attention to the details like the fins and tail. Don't rush, take your time. Grab your pencils and let's make this blue whale come to life on paper!
Form the Body

Start by forming the long, pointed outline of the blue whale’s body.
Outline the Mouth

Outline the blue whale’s open mouth.
Add the Teeth and Tongue

Draw the top teeth visible inside the blue whale’s mouth. Then, add the curved outline of its tongue.
Draw the Eye

Draw a tiny circular eye next to the blue whale’s mouth.
Add the Pectoral Fins

On each side of the blue whale’s body, draw two elongated pectoral fins. Erase any overlapping lines.
Attach the Dorsal Fin

Draw a small dorsal fin attached to the blue whale’s back.
Draw the Tail Flukes

Form the two tail flukes connected to the end of the blue whale’s body.
Form the Underbelly

Outline its underbelly along the base of its body. Then, add the grooves on its underbelly by drawing evenly spaced curved lines.
Add Bubbles

Add tiny rounded bubbles around the blue whale.
Draw the Ocean Floor

Outline the bumpy ocean floor. Next, add dots to emphasize its rough texture.
Add Seaweed

Draw thin, wavy outlines of seaweed growing on the ocean floor.
Color the Eye and Mouth

First, shade the eye with black. Now, add a white shimmer to its eye. Next, color its teeth with gray and its tongue with red.
Shade the Whale

Add some shading to its underbelly and the underside of its pectoral fins using a white color. Then, use a vibrant shade of blue to color the rest of its body.
Color the Ocean Floor

Color the ocean floor with light brown. Then, fill in the seaweed with green.
Fill in the Water

Fill in the bubbles with a very light shade of blue. Then, color the ocean water with varying shades of blue.

Artist & Educator