How to Draw Christmas Bells

How to Draw Christmas Bells

In this drawing lesson on how-to draw Christmas bells, you’re about to be enrolled in some festive fun! We’ll be creating cheerful bells adorned with holly and ribbons, capturing that holiday spirit with simple steps. Expect an easy-to-follow approach that helps you master basic shapes and outlines first, making it perfect for artists of any level.

We’re using bright yellow for those iconic bells, with dark shades for depth. You’ll also learn how light brown can bring warmth inside them, while red and green will add lovely accents through holly berries, leaves, and ribbons. By focusing on each element, you’ll create not just bells, but an entire composition that celebrates creativity and joy this season. Let's get started and make some art that jing-a-longs with your Christmas cheer!

Estimated Time: 50 minutes

Level: Intermediate


  • Pencil
  • Drawing Paper
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils
  • Black Marker (optional)

Lesson: How to Draw Christmas Bells

In this drawing lesson, I’ll walk you through how you can create beautiful Christmas bells adorned with decorative holly. This step-by-step guide features just 15 clear instructional steps that focus on basic shapes and outlines before we add those festive touches. You’ll learn how different shades of yellow bring your bells and holly berries together, while red ribbons and green leaves add that perfect Christmas flair. Scroll down and let’s get started on this cheerful drawing project!

Draw Holly Berries

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-1

Begin by creating three circles to form the holly berries.

Add the Midribs

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-2

Draw two curved lines to add the midribs of the holly leaves.

Form the Holly Leaves

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-3

Form the pointy shape of the holly leaves around its midribs.

Draw a Bell

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-4

Form the large, curved shape of the Christmas bell as shown.

Outline the Bell’s Interior

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-5

Outline the interior of the bell by drawing a thin oval.

Add Another Bell

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-6

Add another Christmas bell similar to the illustration.

Attach the Clappers

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-7

Attach the small, rounded clappers of the bells.

Draw a Ribbon’s Center

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-8

Let’s add a ribbon tying the Christmas bells together. First, create a circular outline of the ribbon’s center.

Form the Loops

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-9

Form the large, bumpy loops of the ribbon.

Attach the Ends of the Ribbon

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-10

Attach the pointy ends of the ribbon below the bells.

Outline the Edges of the Ribbon

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-11

Outline the edges of the ribbon similar to the illustration.

Color the Bells

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-12

Color the bells with yellow.

Add Shading to the Bells

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-13

Use darker shades of yellow to add some shading to the Christmas bells. Then, fill in the inside of the bell with light brown.

Shade the Holly Berries

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-14

Shade the holly berries with red, and the leaves with green.

Color the Ribbon

How to Draw Christmas Bells - Step-15

Color the ribbon with red and yellow.